Car Detailing Trends to Watch in 2024: Stay Ahead of the Curve

Car Detailing Trends to Watch in 2024: Stay Ahead of the Curve

Car detailing has never been as popular as now, but things are changing rapidly, and what’s trendy today might not be as trendy tomorrow. In this post, I’ll show you what I think will be the emerging car detailing trends in 2024. 1. Increasing Demand For Mobile Detailing Services It’s pretty clear that mobile detailing…

The Difference Between Mobile Detailing and Shop Detailing Explained

The Difference Between Mobile Detailing and Shop Detailing Explained

Now that mobile car detailing has become so popular, you might wonder if it’s even worth spending your time and gas money to go into a car detailing shop when someone can do it while you’re at work, at a parking spot, or anywhere else. There are some key differences between mobile and shop car…

How To Protect Car From Hail and Prevent Damage

How To Protect Car From Hail and Prevent Damage

If you live in hail-prone areas like Texas, Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming, or even internationally in Canada, China, Russia, India, and Northern Italy, you know the damage hailstorms can inflict. These regions experience an average of seven to nine hailstorms annually, posing a significant threat to your car, often your second-largest investment. Hail-related damage is a…